Mama’s Best Low Sodium Pizza Sauce Recipe [Revealed]


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low sodium pizza sauce recipe

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In this article, I am going to hook you up with a low sodium pizza sauce recipe that is so good you won’t even recognize it is missing anything. This is one of those delicious recipes that my mama taught me so I can have a healthier heart.

Low Sodium Pizza Sauce that Slaps

What kind of pizza do you like, New York style or Chicago style? Or are you a Neapolitan-style purist? What do you think of a crust, deep dish pizza, hand-tossed, or thin-crust pizza? Pizza stone or on a pan? What are your thoughts about pineapple? All of these are questions that have the potential to escalate into a conflict with everyone’s favorite food – pizza!

A fantastic pizza is one of those things that can bring people from all walks of life together.

But did you know that many pizza recipes are loaded with sodium? As someone who was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure, I have been watching my sodium intake like a hawk recipe. This pizza sauce recipe is an excellent choice if you want to reduce the salt you consume or just prepare more pizza at home. It saves me from having to sacrifice one of my favorite things to eat.

It takes only five minutes to mix it up, and then you can spread it over whatever pizza you choose. Preparation is straightforward and quick for thsi easy pizza sauce recipe. Every meal with a pizza flavor receives a healthy dose of antioxidants from tomatoes, herbs, and spices. You can also just double everything if you want to have enough sauce for two pizzas.


Red Sauce Ingredients

Here’s how you can make your own sauce with lower sodium.

  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste made by Hunt’s no-salt-added
  • 1 cup of tomato sauce with no added salt from Hunt’s
  • 1 level teaspoon of powdered garlic
  • 1/4 of a teaspoon of dried onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 1 teaspoon fresh basil and fresh garlic
  • 1⁄4 teaspoon of black pepper and/or Italian seasoning
low sodium pizza sauce recipe

Pizza Dough Crust Ingredients

  • 1 1⁄2 cups of all-purpose flour in white
  • 1 (2 1/4 teaspoon) package of dry yeast
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 cup of water at normal temperature

Topping Ingredients

  • Garlic powder combined with melted becel salt-free margarine
  • Your choice of veggies, meat, and toppings for the pizza.
  • 1 (200g) box pc goat’s milk mozzarella cheese
  • Red pepper flakes that have been crushed.


#1 – Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan.

#2 – Keep stirring intermittently while simmering on low for the next 15 minutes.

#3 – Take the sauce off the stove and put it to the side to cool down.

#4 – Chop the cheese, and make the toppings (vegetables and meat), then set them aside.

#5 – Spray a pizza pan with cooking spray that prevents sticking, and then set it aside.

#6 – Mix sugar, warm water, and yeast in a bowl. Let sit for 8 minutes. The mixture ought to begin to froth ever so little.

#7 – Flour, yeast mixture, and olive oil should be combined in a large mixing dish. Mix well.

#8 – Mix until mixed. You might need to add flour or water to the mixture in order to keep it at a dry or moist consistency that is manageable for your purposes.

#9 – Once everything is well combined, shape it into a ball.

#10 – On a surface dusted with flour, take up the ball of dough and forcefully drop it many times.

low sodium pizza sauce recipes

#11 – Knead the dough for two minutes with floured hands, trying to use as little flour as possible.

#12 – Put a ball of dough in the middle of the pizza pan.

#13 – Applying pressure with the palm of your hand, spread the dough out to the pan’s edges.

#14 – Make a thumbprint along the outer border of the crust.

#15 – Put the pan in an oven that has been warmed to 425 degrees Fahrenheit for ten minutes, then take it out.

#16 – Combine melted margarine and an insignificant quantity of garlic powder in a low-volume bowl.

#17 – The outside border of the crust should have the margarine and garlic mixture brushed on it.

#18 – On the pizza, begin by spreading the sauce, covered by the crushed red pepper flakes, shredded cheese, and finally, the toppings of your choosing.

#19 – Bake for 20 to 25 minutes in an oven that has been preheated to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Benefits of Low-Sodium Pizza Sauce

When we talk about homemade pizza sauce, you might not realize how much healthier it is than store-bought sauce. There are a number of health benefits associated with making your own pizza sauce, and when you do it at home, you can produce an incredible and nutritious pizza pie for your family.

The health advantages of sauces made with tomatoes cannot be overstated. Fresh tomatoes are classified more appropriately as fruits than vegetables. In addition, this wonder fruit is loaded with vitamins C and K, as well as potassium and folate.

Because it strengthens the immune system and makes it easier for the body to fight off infections caused by bacteria and viruses, vitamin C is often regarded as one of the most essential nutrients.

And if you add oregano to your sauce, you receive even more health advantages since the active element in oregano is carvacrol, which helps manage blood sugar. If you add oregano to your sauce, you get even more health benefits. Lycopene is another type of antioxidant that may be found in tomatoes.

Lycopene is responsible for the red color of tomatoes and shields them from the harmful effects of the sun. This antioxidant protects cells from the damage caused by free radicals, which can also affect the immune system. It can reduce levels of harmful cholesterol, make inflammation easier to manage, and safeguard the heart.

You are surely aware that a diet high in lean protein is necessary for good health. You may add protein to your pizza without adding extra calories by selecting lean proteins such as chicken, shrimp, oysters, turkey, or salmon as your toppings.

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Conclusion: Less Sodium, Great Taste

In conclusion, making your own low sodium easy homemade pizza sauce is not only a fun activity, but it’s also an important element of leading a healthy lifestyle. The use of a homemade pizza sauce that is created from healthy ingredients and may give fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals is an excellent alternative.

In addition to this, it is virtually certain to have a lower salt content (and frequently a lower sugar content as well!) than the frozen, delivery, or restaurant alternatives that are so widely accessible. I hope this original recipe helped you stick to your low sodium diet. Until next time, enjoy your pizza!

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